Blacklisted Loans In South Africa

Blacklisted loans in South Africa are sought after on almost all search platforms and you can understand why. People who find themselves in a tight corner often have issues maintaining a clean credit record. This is because of many reasons.

Do Credit Providers Lend To Blacklisted People?

People with a bad credit record pose a higher risk to credit providers as opposed to those with a clean record. There is no law in South Africa which prevents credit providers from assisting blacklisted people. It is up to service providers to made that decision depending on how much risk to they want to expose themselves to.

Credit Score vs Blacklisting

What creditors do is to first look at your credit score in order to assess your level of risk. Blacklisting on its own has various levels. What is often a highest risk is when an individuals has a judgement against his/or name.

Applicants with the lowest credit score or even with a judgement will have to pay a higher repayment interest percentage on their loan. That is if the credit provider agreed to lend to you.

List of Loan Service Providers: