Speedy Loans Newcastle will assist you if you are looking for a cash loan. There are different types of loans that you can choose from ranging from short term cash loan, payday loan and long term loan depending on your need. Speedy loans has branches in all 6 provinces of South Africa.
You may use the money you get from Speedy loans Newcastle for any financial need that you may have. This can be just for cash to close the gap until you get your next pay. You can use it for your car fuel or even to cater for your children’s school transport needs. It is all up to you!
Ifbyou are looking for a loan you will need to bring your ID document, your latest payslip and your three months latest bank statement. You must be employed and your salary must go into the bank account that you will provide in your application. That account number must reflect on the bank statement that you produce.
Speedy Loans Newcastle Contact Details
Shop 05 D, 54 Scott Street, Newcastle, 2940
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