Personal loans are a form of installment loans. They are not like a credit card whereby money (loan) is made available to you for use monthly and paid back monthly with interest. A personal loan is a once-off payment of cash to borrower. The payment (loan) is then paid back with interest in monthly installments over the loan period term.
There are loans that are over the counter like Mfin loans that are offered by big retailers in South Africa. Mfin loans are offered by Shoprite and you simply just visit their kiosk with your ID.
There are many fast and easy way to apply for a personal loan. Banks are not the only institutions that offers personal loans, there are may online lenders and their application procees takes less than 15 mins on the web, to even get your loan approved or declined.
Personal loans charge interest. At times your loan repayment might also include other fees, such as an administrative fee. In a case the borrow wants to settle the loan before the end of the perion loan term, payoff penalty fee will be charged.
What documents needed for a Personal Loans?
- Identity Documentation (ID/Passport)
- Proof of Residetial Address (Utility Bill)
- Bank Statement of Last Three Months (Sometimes of Last Six Months)
- Latest Payslip