Smart Cash Loans Bizana helps people with short-term personal loans which they can use for personal needs. The loan repayment term is from 1 up to six months. You can also get a 30 days loan and SASSA loan from Smart Cash Loan. They can be used for any of your personal needs like groceries, drivers licence, studies and more.
Smart Cash Loans Bizana Contact Details
Address: 22 Main Street, Bizana, 4800
Phone number: 039 251 0129 / 082 577 6366
Smart Cash Loans Benefits
- Quick application process
- Same day payout
- Immediate qualification
Loan Application Requirements
- Your original ID
- Your original payslip
- Your 3 months bank statement
Smart Cash Loans accept applications from SASSA beneficiaries who reside around Bizana and surrounding areas.