Those banking with Capitec or know people who are with the bank might have experienced this nightmare before. When a friend needed some cash send and you did so using Capitec app. You later realize that it might have gone to a wrong number. The obvious next cause of action is to reverse it back to your account.
The big question is whether it is possible to reverse the Cash Send on a Capitec App. The answer is yes it can be reversed. May be the trick will now be how. We are going to try and explain how this can be done on your App. Doing it on your app with save you time of aving to walk or drive to the nearest branch.
Step You Must Follow To Reverse Capitec Cash Send On The App
We have decided to break this down to only five steps and we have detailed them for you below:
Step 1: Open Your Capitec App
The first step is to open your app on your mobile phone. Remember you must be connected to the internet or have data or airtime on your phone for the app to function propery
Once you have opened you Capitec App, you must now log in using your credentials. The good thing is that the App only requires your PIN in order to open. Enter it and press the submit button.
Step 2: Find The Cash Send Payment You Want To Reverse
In order to locate the one that you want to reverse, you will need to find the ‘transact’ button. It is always located on the bottom menu bar of your App. You will see buttons like Home, Cards, Transact, Messages and Explore. You are set because the one you are looking for is just the 3rd one.
If you scroll down after pressing the ‘transact’ button you will find a tap written Send cash.
Step 3: Browse Transaction History
The histroy of all your Cash send transactions is recorded on your app according to the date and the amount. Make sure that you are able to identify the correct one that must be reversed. There will be both redeemed and unreedem monies listed on the tab. If all your cash send monies were collected or remeeded you will not find them under unredeemed. They will be under redeemed.
Step 4: Locate Unredeemed Cash Send On The List
Like we have just said, all uncollected monies will appear under unreedemed on the list. The figure and the date of the transaction will make if you are looking at the correct transaction.
Should you not find the transaction you are looking for but you are certain that you did send it, you must visit your nearest Capitec branch.
Step 5: Press The Redeem Button
The magic button you are looking for is the ‘reverse transaction’ button. Your Christmas came early if you do see or find this button. Trouble begin when you do not see it because it means the money has been collected by the recipient already.
The button is there, hoooray! Press it to claim your money back into your account. Once the reversal is successful, you will notice the change in your balance. The reversed Cash send amount will be returned to your bank account. It should happen almost instantly. If your balance does not change, give it a couple of minutes.